Quantitative assessment of functional perfusion capacity and vessel architecture is critical when validating biomaterials for regenerative medicine purposes and requires high-tech analytical methods.
Here, combining two clinically relevant imaging techniques, (magnetic resonance imaging; MRI and microcomputed tomography; MicroCT) and using the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay, we present and validate a novel functional and morphological three-dimensional (3D) analysis strategy to study neovascularization in biomaterials relevant for bone regeneration. Using our new pumpassisted approach, the two scaffolds, Optimaix (laminar structure mimicking entities of the diaphysis) and DegraPol (highly porous resembling spongy bone), were shown to directly affect the architecture of the ingrowing neovasculature. Perfusion capacity (MRI) and total vessel volume (MicroCT) strongly correlated for both biomaterials, suggesting that our approach allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the vascularization pattern and efficiency of biomaterials. Being compliant with the 3R-principles (replacement, reduction and refinement), the well-established and easy-to-handle CAM model offers many advantages such as low costs, immune-incompetence and short experimental times with high-grade read-outs when compared to conventional animal models. Therefore, combined with our imaging-guided approach it represents a powerful tool to study angiogenesis in biomaterials.
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